Overview :

The role of the Scientific Affairs Department generally includes interest in various scientific outputs at the university, including the publication of scientific research, patents, and books of various kinds. It also includes following up various scientific activities such as conferences, seminars and workshops. Where it was called the Research and Development Department, the structure was changed and some tasks were added to the Scientific Affairs Department in the tenth month of 2017. This department consists of two main divisions, the Scientific Research Division and the Scientific Products Marketing Division .

Vision and mission :

Based on the vision and mission of Wasit University, the Department of Scientific Affairs adopted a vision and mission to achieve the goals of the university in keenness and interest in discreet scientific research that meets the needs of society and encouraging various scientific activities to follow up the movement of scientific research and publishing and develop the skills of researchers and many diverse scientific affairs. Where the Scientific Affairs Department aspires to be a forum for the university’s intellectual outputs and a fundamental pillar in exploring and keeping pace with the areas of knowledge development. It seeks to provide a supportive research environment for distinguished scientific production, and to enrich and disseminate knowledge by developing the capabilities of teaching staff in the fields .

Goals and values :

  1. Enhancing and consolidating the outputs of scientific research at the university, spreading its ethics, and striving to provide its material and moral requirements .
  2.  Encouraging and motivating teaching and research cadres to raise the level of research work at the university .
  3. Enhancing scientific communication and fostering distinguished relations with universities, research centers, various state institutions, and scientific and cultural societies, and developing cooperation with them .
  4.  Developing teaching staff by adopting constructive training programs for prestigious international universities and urging professors to devote themselves to academic studies in such universities in order to carry out scientific research at a high level and transfer modern technology to our universities .
  5. Exploring the areas of scientific and cognitive development and keeping up with them, and developing the capabilities of the teaching, knowledge and research staff
  6.  Developing creative scientific activity at the university and documenting data in a unified manner for all scientific activities of the university such as conferences, cinemas, workshops, and seminars, and following up and disseminating their results to ensure the maximum possible benefit .
  7.  Sponsoring, encouraging and following up the distinguished intellectual production of the university, including books, studies, patents and other distinguished scientific productions .
  8. Follow up the publications of scientific journals issued by the various formations of the university, and work on consolidating them and upgrading them to the ranks of the corresponding international journals .

Scientific Research Division :

1- Documentation and Information Management Unit

Tasks :

  • Planned, completed and published research plan .
  • Following up and documenting the published research of university teachers in international rankings such as Scopus and Thomson Reuters
  • Follow up the process of honoring researchers from the University of Wasit .
  • Preparing studies that will develop the scientific publishing process at the university .
  • Organizing workshops and seminars to develop the research reality of Wasit University teachers

2- Coordination and Relations Unit

Tasks :

  • The central scientific plan for conferences, seminars and workshops for each year and submitting it within the program of my seminar .
  • Scientific activities (conferences, seminars and workshops) in other ministries or other bodies .
  • Submitting the data to the Ministry for the purpose of including it in the activities of UNESCO .
  • Awards inside and outside Iraq and the mechanism of honoring them .
  • Follow-up tasks and evaluation of consulting offices .
  • Preparing studies and proposals, expressing opinions and giving the necessary recommendations .

3- Scientific Journals Unit

Tasks :

  • Follow up the issuance of scientific journals in the university’s faculties and centers .
  • Supervising the formation of editorial boards and advisory boards for scientific journals .
  • Implementation of the decisions of the ministerial committee to evaluate scientific journals and follow up on their implementation by the colleges .
  • Follow up the uploading of scientific journals to the Iraqi academic journals website and the university website .
  • Formation of the central scientific committee for books and literature at the university .
  • The mechanism of accreditation of scientific journals .
  • Dedications and exchange of publications .

Scientific Products Marketing Division

1- Scientific outputs unit

Tasks :

  • Follow-up and answer books for the Division of Scientific Products .
  • Following up and answering books on investment and economic projects that serve the university and society .
  • Follow up the mechanism of marketing distinguished applied scientific outputs .

2- The Scholars and Innovators Care Unit

Tasks :

  • Teaching staff training .
  • Pioneering projects .
  • Science Day activities .
  • Patents .
  • Graduation projects conference .

3- Technology incubator unit

  • Investing the energies of teachers who have innovative and applied energies in building small start-up projects and companies that, after years, may be one of the pillars of development and prosperity .
  • Investing the energies of graduates in building viable projects and marketing their scientific outputs .
  • Creating a suitable place for creators, inventors and those with creative ideas, as well as providing some basic services at reasonable prices .
  • Providing support in business management, discussing problems, providing legal specialists to protect the innovator, and contributing to providing legal cover for these companies .

Procedures required to grant the scientific title (assistant teacher )

  • The university order to calculate the certificate
  • The administrative order to start the job
  • University order for academic leave
  • Teaching Methods Course Certificate
  • Computer course certificate
  • Arabic language safety course certificate
  • Teaching competency test
  • message on cd
  • An official letter to the Scientific Affairs Department

Procedures required to grant the academic title (teacher )

  • The university order to calculate the certificate
  • University order to start the job
  • Part-time university order
  • Thesis on CD
  • An official letter to the Scientific Affairs Department

Procedures required for academic sabbatical

  • The university order granting the scientific title
  • The university order of the academic schedule
  • Teaching Methods Course Certificate
  • Computer Proficiency Course Certificate
  • sabbatical form
  • An official letter to the Scientific Affairs Department

Scientific affairs forms


The department can be contacted via the official e-mail :

E-mail: scidept@ahmed

Forms for the Scientific Affairs DepartmentStandards for holding conferences