مجلة واسط للعلوم الهندسية

Name of JournalWasit Journal of Engineering Sciences
ISSN (print)2305-6932
ISSN (Electronic) 
LanguagesArabic and English
SubjectsMechanics and mechanical engineering; Production and engineering management; Structural engineering; Industrial design; Technology and engineering (General); Computer Engineering; Signals and systems; Electrical engineering and electronics; Chemical Engineering; Architecture and the built environment; Electricity and magnetism; Urban groups. The City. Urban sociology; Urban geography; Science (General)
AboutRefereed journals accept research from both inside and outside Iraq, in Arabic and English in all the journals Science and Engineering, which has not previously published in any scientific journal or scientific conference proceedings published by the Faculty of Engineering / University of Wasit by two issues a year.
Editorial BoardEditor-in-chief
Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Prof.Dr. Nadhir Al-Ansari
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Luleå University of Technology
[email protected]
Prof.Dr. Mustafa Özakça
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
[email protected]
Dr. Nİldem TayŞİ
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
[email protected]
Assit. Pof.Dr.Asad Hafudh Humaish Aldefae
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Assit. Pof.Dr.Alaa R. Al-Badri
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Assit.Prof.Dr.Ali Abdul Redha
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Salah L.Zubaidi
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Hussein Razzaq AL-Bugharbee
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Hussein Kommur Mohmoud Dalfi
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Haider Majid Hasan
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Jareer Jaber Mohammed
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Manaf K Hussein
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Basim Khalaf Jarullah Al-Shammari
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Dr.Hussam A. Goaiz
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit university /College of engineering
[email protected]
Contact info[email protected]  
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