مجلة واسط للعلوم والطب

Name of JournalJournal of Wasit For Science & Medicine
ISSN (print)1992-5816
ISSN (Electronic) 
LanguagesArabic and English
SubjectsScience (General); Medicine (General)
AboutJournal of Wasit University of Science and Medicine, a scientific journal issued by the semi-annual Riashgamah both Arabic and English and aims to contribute to the development of knowledge and publish research in various Pure and Applied Sciences, so that a record of studies in these areas
Editorial BoardEditor-in-chief
Kadhum J. Gattia
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Munir H.Jdwe
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Subhi A. Al-Bayaty
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Contact info07803187763
[email protected]
WebsiteClick here