Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Education for the Humanities examines money and fear in Abbasid politics
A Doctoral thesis was researched at the Faculty of Education for the Humanities of Wasit University of Finance and Fear in Abbasid Politics 132_247 H. The thesis prepared by student Adel Khalaf Shahwaz al-Haidari aims to highlight two main themes that characterized the policy of the rulers of Beni Abbas in the management of their state and dealing with their parish of imams, jurists, judges, scholars, leaders, leaders, officials and other supporters and opponents: money and fear, as well as tracking Abbasid politics and diagnosing its impact in various areas of life. The thesis showed that the cysts, whose owners claimed imam Muhammad bin Ali bin Abi Talib (a), and the will claim of Muhammad bin Ali al-Abbasi by Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Abi Talib (Abu Hashim) are only allegations and allegations promoted and supported by the early Abbasids in order to find legitimacy for their political movement and their young state. The study showed that the Abbasids, through Muhammad bin Ali al-Abbasi, killed Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Abi Talib (Abu Hashim) and claimed the will from him in order to get rid of him and gain public opinion by deception. The thesis found that the early Abbasids exploited the Alawite slogan and confronted them and worked under it to deceive the people and then turn against them and impose their control over the capabilities of things.