مجلة واسط للعلوم الصرفة

Name of JournalWasit Journal for Pure Sciences
ISSN (print)790-5233
ISSN (Electronic)2790-5241
LanguagesArabic and English
SubjectsMathematics, Computer science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geology
Aboutمجلة واسط للعلوم الصرفة مجلة محلية محكمة تصدر من كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة بواقع عدد لكل ثلاثة اشهر وتهتم بنشر البحوث في الاختصاصات العلمية الصرفة ( الرياضيات , الحاسوب , علوم الحياة , الكيمياء , الفيزياء والجيلوجي ) وتمتلك رقم ايداع من دار الكتب والوثائق لسنة 2022 الذي يحمل الرقم 4552 /2022  وكذلك تمتلك
علماً ان اللغة المعتمدة في النشر هي اللغة الانكليزية
Scope of the Journal
Open Access
Wasit Journal for Pure Sciences is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.
Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.
Editorial BoardEditor-in-chief
Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Shuaa Al-taie
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Prof.Dr Ali Khalaf Hussain
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Assistant Prof. Abdul Hadi M.Alaidi
Academic degree: MSc.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Assit Prof. Saif Ali Abdul Reza
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Prof. Dr. Dhafer Hassan Ghaly
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ali Fayyad Barghout
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Prof. Dr. Naseer Ali Hussein
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Prof Dr. Abdel Latif Beltayeb
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Assit Prof. Ibrahim Al Zahrani
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Assit Prof. Nasser Al Salti
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Prof. Dr. Sarteel Hamed Al- Shammary
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Wasit University- College of Sciences
Dr. Jin Sung
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Dr. Ali Abed Jaber
Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Wasit University- College of Education for Pure Sciences
Contact info 

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