or from the Iranian University of Ilam as head of a scientific discussion committee
Wasit University hosts a visiting profess
The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Wasit hosted visiting professor Dr. Hassan Khairi from the Iranian University of Ilam, as head of the committee to discuss the master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences on the effect of the overlapping waves strategy in developing mental alertness and learning some basic basketball skills for students.
The thesis submitted by the student (Raad Taha Mahdi) and supervised by the University President, Professor Dr. Mazen Al-Hassani, aims to prepare a scale for developing mental alertness in basketball for students, and to prepare educational units using the overlapping waves strategy for students.
The thesis concluded that the educational curriculum prepared by the researcher is appropriate to the nature and use of this strategy, in addition to that the overlapping waves strategy is one of the strategies that is appropriate for teaching students to develop the game of basketball, and that the educational methods and methods in this strategy were in harmony with the moments of mental alertness among the sample members through focusing Attention and awareness, in addition to using it, helped to shorten the time and effort in learning basketball shooting skills and create an atmosphere of suspense, excitement, and fun for the learners.