Wasit University discusses master's thesis on parliamentary elections in Muthanna province for the two sessions (2014-2018)
A master's thesis at the Faculty of Education for humanities at Wasit University discussed parliamentary elections in Muthanna province for the two sessions (2014-2018) study in geopolitics.
The letter prepared by (student Karim Ghalib Aswad) aims to study the geographical factors affecting the electoral process and the electoral behavior of individuals and the results produced by the elections and the possibility of predicting them in advance through a set of geographical influences studied by geography when analysing such phenomena and political events based on showing the relationship between natural and human geographical factors and the final outcomes of the electoral process.
The letter showed a marked drop in the number of voters participating in the 2018 elections across the province to 220,857 voters, up from 276,070 in the 2014 elections, as a result of escalating political differences between blocs and political lists in the government's composition, as well as a deteriorating security, political and economic conditions for the country.
The letter showed that the distribution of polling stations in the province was not in line with the size of the population and their spatial distribution to the geographical area of the study area.

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