Under the auspices of the President of Wasit University, Professor Dr. Mazen Hassan Jassim al-Hasani, the Department of Physics at wasit University held a festival (Spring of Scientific-Cultural Physics) under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor Dr. Abdul Sada Abdul Abbas Rahi in the presence of the President of the University and scientific assistant Dr. Sobeih Lafta and a number of deans, teachers and students. Dr. Hadi Doij and Dr. Hashim Ali Yusser delivered nuclear waste and disposal methods. The three-day festival featured many events for teachers and students of the department.

It could be a picture of 4 people, people sitting and people standing up.
It may be a picture of one person, sitting, flower and containing the text 'How to get rid of nuclear waste nuclear waste waste of how to get rid of'
It could be one person's picture and an interior view.