Wasit University discusses (the relationship between ostoponetin and serum soluble plasmanogen tonic (SuPAR) and some levels of cytokines in lupus erythromatosis patients) in a Doctoral thesis
A Doctoral thesis at wasit University's Faculty of Science discussed (the relationship between ostuponetin and serum soluble plasmanogen receptors (SuPAR) and some levels of cytokines in lupus erythrocytosis patients. The study included that patients in the form of an effective p≤0.05) from SuPAR and OPN in the serum had a p≤0.05) Compared to patients in inefficient form, levels of IL-1ο, IL-6 and IL-17A in serum increased morally compared to the control group, while il-35 and IL-2 levels decreased morally in lupus patients. The study showed that high levels of Th17 contribute significantly to the process of chronic inflammation in lupus erythemae, as well as suPAR and OPN act as diagnostic and warning indicators and have a major and new role in the inflammatory process. Studied cytokines and inflammatory media are important in the development of lupus erythematosus.