Wasit University holds a scientific workshop entitled Identifying The Technology (Newralink) Elon Musk's Brain Chip.
The Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at Wasit University held a scientific workshop entitled Identification of The Technology (Neurolink) Elon Musk brain chip to connect electronic devices with the human brain and the workshop included two axes the first axis in which assistant teacher Mehdi Khalaf Munshid touched on a introductory view of The Newralink company and then talk about the field of the interface of the brain communication with the computer and its aim is to introduce the community to the latest technologies currently hammered in the world in line with the great scientific and technological development. In the second axis, assistant teacher Rasha Hani Salman explained in detail the parts and the way the Neurolink segment works, the benefits and challenges facing this technology.