A doctoral thesis on the words of nature in Andalusian poetry was discussed in the light of the theory of semantic fields, which was presented by the student Isser Thamer Mohisen aimed at counting the words of nature in Andalusian poetry and classifying them in semantic fields and indicating the significance of each word by explaining the verses in which it was mentioned with the mention of the semantic relationship between the words of this field. The thesis concluded that the theory of semantic fields is not a modern Western theory, but was mentioned by Arab linguists in the past and classified many of the works in this aspect. To highlight the Egyptian life, which was characterized by positive returns and has created for us the ancient Egyptian civilization through its many era many creations and art of painting is one of the oldest cultural evidences, especially the drawings on the walls of graves, which conveyed to us the oldest messages recorded in calligraphy and color. and human ways of thinking.

It could be a picture of 3 people.