Wasit University opens election commission headquarters for data update
Wasit University invites all its staff, including professors, employees and contracts, to update their data in the election records of the Commission after the opening of its new branch in the Faculty of Management and Economics as well as the presence of mobile teams within the university, which will start its work from Thursday, 2021/1/21, and Mr. Haidar Awad, official of the update file at Wasit University, spoke about the mechanism of work used to update the voter's register and put forward the following answers in a simplified and understandable way for all1 – if you have a card or picture, your card is updated and what you need updated and what you need. Your information is complete and you have the right to vote on polling day.2- But if your card has your photo on it, you must check the mobile band at Wasit University personally and take with you the following documents: (civil status identity, citizenship certificate.. or national card.. housing card.. ration card. with your old card in order to update your data and replace it with a new card or photo.3 – In case you lose your voter card, you go to the mobile band at the University of Wasit and provide news and sign a pledge inside the registration center without any compensation even financial compensation. A new card will be issued to you.4 – There are many printed and updated voter cards located in the registration centers whose owners have not received them and they must review as soon as possible to receive them.5 – Families who cannot go to registration centers UNHCR is ready to send mobile teams to their homes and all areas of the province by contacting the telephones and numbers of UNHCR staff if families are unable to attend the registration centers.6 – Many university students have their information spoken to their schools or university in previous years, so what they have to do Except to review the possibility that your card is there and up-to-date and what he knows.7 _ Opening hours for registration centers 7 days a week from 🙁 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.), including Friday and Saturday. So is the mobile team during school hours8_ if you were born (2001). 2002. 2003) The requirements for modernization are nationality + nationality certificate for a person or (father or mother) + ration card + family housing card. But if you have a national card, this is enough with the ration card. Important note: the voter's biometric card has become an official document.

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