Wasit University discusses a Doctoral thesis on Light and Shadow in Naguib Mahfouz's novels.
Wasit University light and shadow in the novels of Naguib Mahfouz in the presence of the president of the university Professor Dr. Mazen Al Hasani and dean of the faculty Dr. Mahmoud Arak and Dr. Ali Shuaa dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences and a number of teachings addressed the thesis prepared by student Marwa Yas north of light and shadow in mahfouz novels where it constitutes a unique literary phenomenon distinct from others in terms of the use of artistic means that create the world of his novel and it beats and disturbs the disorder of life, although it is not identical to it. One of the advantages of his novel production is that he integrates elements and techniques together to generate intellectual and artistic visions that are deep and comprehensive. She explained that the technique of light and shadow represented a fertile material in the artistic circle as it works to form a visual image through words, we see the characters, lines, landmarks, events and building components of the other novel. It showed that the literary text, especially the novel, is not written complete unless it contains artistic images and the image in the modern literary text has a variety of styles.

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