Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim
((And God supports with his victory whoever he wants, if that's for the first sight))
With more condescension and pride in victory, I offer my greetings, congratulations, pride and sincere wishes for the time of reconciliation and payment to the armed forces army, police and crowd on the occasion of the third anniversary of D-Day against ISIS, which passes by us, and we remember our martyrs and all those who came to the great Iraq in that period to get rid of the evils of the dark gangs. We ask God the Almighty to give us security and safety and for all the brothers in our university and our ministry with higher progress and increase success and improve the educational process
To fight the forces of evil and their deviant ideas with the enlightened thought that is leading today, His Excellency the Respected Minister.
The upliftment and immortality of our righteous martyrs and all the sacrificed.
And a covenant from us to them that we continue day and night to maintain the right approach that they have followed with vigor will not soften and patiently will not end
Professor Dr.
Mazen Al , Hasani
Wasit University President
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