Wasit University discusses master's thesis entitled Analysis and evaluation of the performance of solar cells in different weather conditions
The Faculty of Engineering at Wasit University discussed the tagged master's thesis (analysis and evaluation of the performance of solar cells in different weather conditions).
The letter prepared by the student (Hammam Menem Kazim) is entitled Analysis and evaluation of the performance of solar cells in different weather conditions.
The letter included a study that tested a 0.2-kilowatt solar system separate from the grid for 1 months from February to July. The system consists of 68 solar panels with the capacity of each 028 watt (multi-crystall) panel each attached respectively to form a single series and eventually we have 2 chains tied together in parallel, the study place at wasit University / Faculty of Engineering in Kut city on coordinates 23..70 north, 2.0.0. East. The vertical angle of the panel mile is 8. 5 And the horizontal angle is 0 0 (south-west).
The results of the letter showed that the level of panel adequacy is 60.60% and that the highest adequacy rate is 67.86% in April. The issue of misinformation is no less important, especially in the months (February-March-April) when the hour is up. In an era of significantly reduced capacity and adequacy, up to 20.33% for capacity and 26.00% for adequacy in February, where almost a third of the system is misleading and then the rate of misinformation begins to decline gradually in the months of March and April accompanied by a rise in capacity and adequacy.
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