Wasit University President praises the role of the university's technological incubator for its interest in youth energies and competencies.
The President of Wasit University, Professor Dr. Mazen Al Hasani, praised the important role of the Technological Incubator Division in providing a positive environment to embrace the creative ideas and pioneering works of the university's owners and nurture the ideas embraced to become a reality, and in attracting young people with initiatives and creative ideas and forming an official umbrella for youth initiatives.
While the university's technology incubator officer, Teacher Ahmed Jadah, emphasized the support provided by the President of the University by seeking to provide all the requirements and needs of the Technological Incubator Division and harnessing the university's infrastructure such as laboratories and workshops for the benefit of incubated projects to conduct experiments and tests to their product models, as the basic concept of the technological incubator is a regulatory entity with an independent moral personality to embrace ideas of any kind, in order to turn these creative ideas or innovations into resorts; Service, support, advisory) for all sectors of society and for different disciplines, and provide the incubators (with creative ideas embraced) the place, equipment and a package of services, and these creative ideas and innovations are transformed in the incubator.. As applied projects to various institutional entities, to contribute to the service of society and support and development of the national economy.
The Research and Development Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has adopted the issue of business incubators as one of the main tasks of the university, and university incubators contribute to expanding the use of university research in the fields of applied and linking universities to institutions specialized in the industrial and commercial sectors.

177 Hakeem Abd, D. Mazen al-Hasani and 175 other people
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